Monday, March 9, 2009

Sam and Esther

My mom attends a Catholic church, and this church recently hosted a hunger conference. One of the main speakers at this conference was a renowned film maker and humanitarian, Mr. Gerry Straub. It was my mom's duty/privilege to make sure Gerry was comfortable and could get to places he needed to be throughout the conference. So I came home from college this weekend and mom kept telling me I needed to watch one of his films, they are so powerful and will change my life, etc.

I watched this one.
1 minute in, I could barely utter "I can't watch this."
20 seconds more, and tears were streaming down my face.
If you don't believe that things are really that bad in the world, this will prove you cynics wrong.
Don't be put off by the length, it goes quickly and is very worth watching.


  1. That was one of the most upsetting things I've ever seen. It's a good thing you're doing here, calling attention to this sort of thing. Now we just need to find some way to act for the sake of stopping it.

  2. Exactly. That's my ultimate goal: find a way that people can help, affordably and conveniently.


Positive energy only, please!